Allred Statement on Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act Becoming Law

DALLAS – Congressman Colin Allred released the following statement on the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act becoming law.

“58 years ago a great Texan, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law, protecting the right to vote for every American and moving us closer to our founding ideals. As a former voting rights attorney, I know we owed this victory to the hard work of so many: community leaders and ordinary citizens, pastors and parishioners, teachers and college students. 

“Unfortunately since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act 10 years ago, extremists like Ted Cruz have pushed voter suppression tactics of every flavor and done all they could to make it harder for certain folks to vote. 

“In the Senate, I will always do everything I can to protect our democracy and ensure that every eligible American can cast their ballot easily. Ted Cruz has spent more than a decade in the Senate trying to make it harder to vote and attempting to overturn the results of a free and fair American election. Texas and our democracy can’t afford six more years of Ted Cruz.”

Allred worked as a voting rights lawyer before being elected to the House. He has been a leader in Congress working to protect our democracy and voting rights. 

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