Allred Brings in $4.7 Million in the Third FEC Quarter of 2023

Q3 haul brings Allred’s total receipts since his May campaign launch to $13.5 million

Dallas, TX — Today, Congressman Colin Allred’s campaign to defeat Ted Cruz announced that Allred brought in $4.7 million in the third FEC quarter of 2023, covering July through September, bringing the campaign’s total receipts to over $13.5 million since launching in May.   

Since launching his campaign, Congressman Allred has been proud to receive donations from nearly 150,000 unique supporters, including supporters from 236 of Texas’s 254 counties. The average donation this quarter to the campaign was just $29.83, and 95% of donations were under $100. 

“Since this campaign launched five months ago, Texans have seen in Colin Allred the level-headed, bipartisan leader and uniter we need representing us in the U.S. Senate – while Ted Cruz has continued dividing Texans with polarizing culture wars and voting against the interests of working Texas families,” said Colin Allred for Senate Campaign Manager Paige Hutchinson. “Texans’ enthusiasm to retire Ted Cruz – and to elect Colin Allred to the Senate – is reflected in this quarter’s amazing outpouring of grassroots support. Our campaign will always be about bringing people together, and we remain confident we will have the resources to win.”

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