Allred Campaign Releases First Spanish-Language Ad: “Nuestras Libertades”

Dallas, TX — Today, the Allred campaign is announcing that it is releasing the first Spanish-language television ad of the 2024 U.S. Senate election cycle in Texas. The ad, which is live across digital platforms and will soon begin airing on television, focuses on Allred’s family ties to the Rio Grande Valley – and how the Valley values passed down by his Brownsville-raised mother are the values that propel him to fight for Texans’ freedoms today.

Click here or above to watch the first Spanish-language TV ad of the election cycle, titled “Nuestras Libertades” (“Our Freedoms”).

This ad launch follows the Allred campaign’s announcement last week that it was launching its first television and digital ads of the cycle in the Dallas and Houston TV markets. Allred remains the only Senate candidate in Texas already running ads on television and digital platforms.

“Nuestras Libertades” Ad Script:

La mamá de Colin Allred creció en Brownsville.
(Colin Allred’s mother grew up in Brownsville.)

Como madre soltera, ella le enseñó el valor de trabajar duro y de luchar por lo que es justo.
(As a single mother, she taught him the value of working hard and to fight for what is right.)

Estos valores formaron a Colin, y siempre luchará por nuestras libertades.
(These values ​​formed Colin — and he will always fight for our freedoms.)

La libertad de votar.
(The freedom to vote.)

Para obtener la atención médica que necesita, incluso el aborto.
(To get the medical care you need, including abortion care.)

Y para salir adelante si se trabaja duro.
(And to get ahead if you work hard.)

Porque vale la pena luchar por la libertad de Texas.
(Because Texas’ freedom is worth fighting for.)

Soy Colin Allred y apruebo este mensaje.
(I’m Colin Allred and I approve this message.)


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