Dr. Austin Dennard in New Allred Ad: “Because of Ted Cruz’s abortion ban, I was forced to leave my state to get lifesaving care”
DALLAS – Congressman Colin Allred today released “Sacred and Private”, featuring Dr. Austin Dennard, a sixth-generation Texan who was forced to flee Texas after being denied life-saving abortion care under Ted Cruz’s abortion ban. The ad will run statewide on digital platforms.
The ad holds Cruz accountable for his direct responsibility in overturning Roe v. Wade. Cruz is author of a national abortion ban, and explicitly supports a total ban with no exceptions for rape, incest, or health of the mother. Cruz celebrated the day that Roe was overturned as “nothing short of a massive victory.” He has praised Texas’ near-total abortion ban that has put women like Dennard in danger, calling it “perfectly reasonable.”
Allred recently launched the ad “Pay More” focused on Cruz’s attacks on Social Security and Medicare in the Houston, San Antonio and the McAllen-Harlingen-Brownsville markets and continues to run the ad, “Right Here” in Austin, Corpus Christi and Beaumont-Port Arthur. He also is running an ad focused on securing the border, “All Hat, No Cattle” in the Dallas-Fort Worth Media Market.
Click below to watch the ad.
“Sacred and Private” Ad Script:
Dr. Austin Dennard, 6th Generation Texan
Nothing prepared me for the news that the baby I desperately wanted would not survive.
Because of Ted Cruz’s abortion ban, I was forced to leave my state to get lifesaving care.
Ted Cruz wanted me to wait until that baby died in my womb or died in my arms.
I just can’t stay silent anymore.
Colin Allred will keep government out of women’s medical decisions.
Colin Allred knows that the conversation between a woman and her doctor is sacred and private.